Yesterday (Jan 27,2019) at Winnipeg cinema was performed Dzintra Geka documentary “Remember Siberia”. All tickets were sold out, some who desired to see movie did not get in. About an hour after movie there was discussion with questions. Director Dzintra Geka told about making movies about Siberia, destiny of deported people, about historical situation and Russia propaganda against Latvia. It appears in Winnipeg there are lot of immigrants from Russia and Ukraine, they were fascinated about movie, there are 6 latvians in Winnipeg too, they were proud and tried to help telling about Latvia history.
Plans to the Year 2019.
Expedition to Siberia to Norilsk where Latvian former officers were displaced at Lake Lama.
Remembrance events on March 25 and on June 13,14th. Conference and concerts to deported.
It is planned to publish the book “Siberian School” in March 2019.
We are currently creating 4 documentaries
2 movies about Siberia:
A film about Zeus and Sivaki in the Amur area.
Movie about Blagoveshchensk on Amur.
Movie lmārs Blumbergs about Latvian artist
Movie about 100 years of Latvia- Everyday in centennial. 4 seasons.
We regularly organize traveling exhibitions in schools, libraries and abroad at embassies
Foundation “The children of Siberia” accept donations.
Donate via PayPal. | Donate via direct bank transfer. |
Nodibinājums “Fonds Sibīrijas bērni” Reg. Nr. 40008057169 |
Thank You to all donators!
The childhood land of Siberia
Documentary film of Dzintra Geka, 2013. The documentary film “Childhood Land of Siberia” continues a series of films about the 1941 deportations. Children who were deported on June 14 are now elderly and wish to visit the places where they lived in Siberia as children. There was cold and famine, and the children lost their relatives, but that was their only childhood, with sun and snow, friends and people who helped them to survive. What is the appearance of the locations now, and does anyone remember them? Writer Gundega Repše: “Everything was here. It was there, there and there, all the way to the horizon to the East and the North. The steppe and taiga, Siberia with its swamps and permafrost throughout the majestic distances of Russia and the Soviet Union. Electrification and gulags throughout the huge country. I knew that I had visited the country of victors, and I looked not just for traces of trophies or the corpses of or monuments to the tyrants. I know that the poor victors must live with knowledge about all of those whom they killed. The visitors from Latvia are former victims who have overcome themselves and became survivors. My mama Ilga said that the greatest crime at the gulags was that people were turned into animals, with an amputation of any spiritual energy. Not everyone who was humiliated to the level of an animal could recover and become human beings. Good Siberian friends who were like friends allowed them to overcome a code of pain which can never be healed. I have come here in my mother’s place, and the key to the code is nearby, in my heart.” 2013, Latvian National TV Audience Award “Golden Wave”, The TV documentary film “Land of Childhood Siberia”
Buy DVD in high quality
Director and producer: Dzintra Geka
Cameraman: Aivars Lubānietis
Screenplay: Gundega Repše
Video engineering: Jānis Kazulis, Edgars Dzenis
Music: Pēteris Vasks, Arvo Pärt, Splean band Assistant to the director: Baiba Ārenta
Buy DVD in high quality
Фрагмент книгы Илмарс Кнагис “Такие были времена”
Вашеме вниманию предлагаем фрагмент книгы Илмарс Кнагис “Такие были времена” стр. 17-33
Мчался латыш Далеко на чужбину
На статном жеребце,
Земля гудела…
Старинная песня ссыльных латышей
Короткая июньская ночь была на исходе. Уже светало, когда в дверь позвонили. Звонок показался необычно громким. Вероятно, потому, что прозвенел неожиданно и непривычно. Разве звонили нам ночью? Потом раздался нетерпеливый громкий стук.
Их было трое – тех, кому отец ОТКРЫЛ дверь. На главном был серо-коричневый реглан, слишком теплый для лета. Это был латыш, мне кажется – из российских латышей, из тех, кому удалось избежать кровавой расправы с латышами в России в 1937 году. Сколько же надо было предать своих соотечественников, чтобы самому остаться в живых? Правда, в то время об этих событиях я еще ничего не знал. Второй был милиционер, кажется, из Екабпилса, но незнакомый. В таком маленьком городишке милиционеров знали всех наперечет. Фамилия его была Загерис. Сын Анны. Помню, как сказал он это «реглану» для занесения в протокол. Третий был офицер советской армии. Армейский, не из НКВД. Фуражки у последних были с синим верхом. Значит, и армия была привлечена к проведению арестов. Continue reading Фрагмент книгы Илмарс Кнагис “Такие были времена”